Dance Care Map Podcast

Fa'asu and Katrina speak with artists about their experiences with mental health as they studied and worked in dance. We hope that in listening to these interviews you gain insight into some tools, thoughts, and motivations our podcast guests have around mental health.

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Interview with Chrissy Kokiri

Wednesday Sep 16, 2020

Wednesday Sep 16, 2020

“That thing about the dancers just being a blank canvas and you just do whatever you want to them…and it’s like well we’re not, we’re actually people so, there’s some paint already on this canvas man, you need to work around and with it!”

Friday Sep 11, 2020

"I see my role is to provide a nurturing environment in a classroom- that the students support each other, that they listen to each other, and that they learn from each other...And the other thing I feel is really important as a teacher, is that you need to be vulnerable. And that’s really hard, to be vulnerable in dance, but in a way dance is the most vulnerable of all the performing arts"

Interview with Miriam Eskildsen

Thursday Sep 03, 2020

Thursday Sep 03, 2020

I was really well equipped for this moment because I’ve been doing a cobbled-together approach of self-shepherding throughout these really low periods of my life... Where I am the farmer but I’m also the sheep and I’m also the sheepdog coaching myself through.

Interview with Xavier Breed

Tuesday Aug 25, 2020

Tuesday Aug 25, 2020

Fa'asu and Katrina talk to pacific artist Xavier Breed about his mental health journey while studying and working in the arts.
“Centre yourself first. Yes, bite off more than you can chew. Chew it really fast, but if you’re gonna take in more than you can chew, watch what you eat first. Make sure that that food- the works and environments you’re in are really nourishing your soul.”

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